Trials Will Not Last Forever Trials Will Not Last ForeverButIt'll teach lessonsthat will last forever..!!
Mistakes Increase Your Experience Mistakes Increase Your Experience&Experience Decreases Your Mistakes..You Learn From Your MistakesThen Others Will Learn FromYour Success..!!
End is not End End is not End, In fact E.N.D means"Effort Never Dies"If you get NO in answer..rememberN.O means"Next Opportunity" and nothing is impossiblebecause word "impossible"says itself that..'I M Possible'So always try to find positivityin every situation..!!
Mistakes increase your Experience "Mistakes increase y0ur Experience&Experience decreases y0ur Mistakes, .If U learn fr0m y0ur Mistakes Then 0thers will learn fr0m y0ur Success..!!
Great things always begin from inside If an egg breaks due tooutside force,inside life ends!If it breaks from inside force,life begins!Great things always begin from insideSo try to make your inside good.
Whatever you do you must never forget Whatever you do you must never forgetyour aim,RememberIf you dream to fly with eagles,don't waste your time with the ducks.
End is not end END is not EN,infact E.N.D is"Effort Never Dies"&if you get NO in answerremember N.O is Next Opportunityso always be positive.
Strugling people never plan to rest Strugling people never plan to rest,They always plan to strugle moreeffectively instead of rest,,because they know that 'Time hasno holidays.'
Whenever you are criticized "Whenever yOu are criticiZed, dôn't get upset... Always remember; StonEs are never thrOwn on a fruitless tree"
Excellence has always been "Excellence has always been achieved by those.... who dared to believe that something inside them is superior than circumstances.
Life will never provide Life will never provide"Warranties & Guarantees" for success,It only provides "Posibilities& Oppurtunities" to convert theminto success.
Shaakh pe betha parinda Shaakh pe betha parinda shaakh ki kamzori ya us k jholne se nahi darta Kyun k us ko shaakh par nahi apne pairon pe aitmaad hota hay.
LIfe is a football game 'Life Is a Football Game,And We Are The Footballs, Never Mind The Kicks Of People Because Without Kicks We May Not Reach The Goal.